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Tuesday 2 June 2009

Ryan Adams Last Gig

You will probably all be aware that Ryan Adams has stated his intention to bow out from music....in his blog post he said

“love is being accepted for who you are. love is taking care of yourself and caring for others and dreaming out loud when it matters. not chasing rainbows. not hoping for some eventual collective sigh of approval which will never come. how did i ever think in those terms? i always knew better. thank goodness i know now how to be honest with myself.”

Well we will see and you can decide for yourself if he is at a loss with this stunning download of the final gig at March 20 at the Fox Theater in Atlanta, Georgia:


Obviously I do not condone bootlegs! Here is what you would get if you did such a thing!

Set 1:

Let it Ride
Everybody Knows
Beautiful Sorta
Dear Chicago
Blue Hotel
Cold Roses
Natural Ghost
Easy Plateau
Bartering Lines
Band Intros
Fix It
Magnolia Mountain
Please Do Not Let Me Go
Peaceful Valley
Freeway to the Canyon

Set 2:

When the Stars Go Blue
Sink Ships
Oh My Sweet Carolina
Grand Island
Evening Joke
I See Monsters
Come Pick Me Up
Rescue Blues
Goodnight Rose


  1. They aren't bootlegs exactly. There are 396 Ryan Adams shows available free and legal for download from the Live Music Archives (http://archive.org). Ryan lets people tape his shows. Many if not most are soundboard, and they include some he did with Phil Lesh, some solo, a few Whiskeytown, and pretty much every year from
    1994 (Patty Duke Syndrome) to 2009 represented.
    The Live Music Archive has hundreds and hundreds of shows of a lot of bands who are
    cool with their live performances being recorded and shared.
